Friday, May 6, 2011

CPM slams NSS for anti-Achuthanandan comment

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala state secretary Pinarayi Viajayan on Friday came down on the Nair Service Society (NSS) acting General Secretary G Sukumaran Nair for using "adverse comments" against Chief Minister Minister V S Achuthanandan.

"The adverse comments made by Nair against Achuthandnan were quite unbecoming of Kerala culture. He should withdraw the abusive language he used to attack the Chief Minister", Vijayan said in an article in the party daily Deshabhimani.
"Unleashing attacks, using abusive words and expressions against rivals is heinous and deplorable. This is especially so in the case of those holding responsible positioins. Those who indulge in such acts are only discrediting themselves before the public," Vijayan said.

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